Scam – Are You Prepared For A superb Factor?

With continued advancements in technology and machine learning algorithms, the future looks promising for using AI as a proactive measure to prevent fraud before it happens. To verify you are communicating with an investment professional and not an imposter, contact the professional using a phone number or website listed in the firm’s Client Relationship Summary (Form CRS). From blond bimbos to witless Congresswomen and posturing Senators, what we are seeing on television is US idiocy on full display. Weight loss fads are one thing, but beware products you consume; they could damage your health. No one had ever heard of PTG Capital before, nor did the firm seem to exist via Google or LinkedIn searches. There is only ONE party that benefits from this idiotic, clumsy, and very very dubious plot: the neo-conservatives still in power in the covert world, and the US-based Iranian exiles that have selective support from neo-conservatives still embedded in the Departments of State and Defense and CIA. Phi Beta Iota: Here are some of the headlines on the alleged plot followed by our impressions in support of our view that this is a false flag endeavor crafted by the Iranian-US nut-jobs that want to inspire a nuclear attack on Iran, with support from the covert elements of the US Government (USG) that are still on that mind-set. The first three people we would put under the counter-intelligence microscope are Walid Phares and Reza Kahlili and their Ayn Rand sugar daddy. Criminals targeting older people on their doorstep and offering to do their shopping. 4. Targeting Israel & Saudi Arabia on US soil is the LEAST USEFUL action Iran could possibly take. How to Avoid Investment Scams Investment scams can take many forms-and fraudsters can turn on a dime when it comes to developing new pitches for the latest scam.

Get Norton 360 with LifeLock to help protect your personal data against scams and keep your identity safer. But it took the 50-year-old mother of two more than two months to get her benefits, during which time she estimates she and her husband called California’s Employment Development Department, which administers the state’s unemployment system, upward of 3,000 times. The media is doing NOTHING to actually get to the bottom of this. Technical Note on False Flag Operations: They are called false flag precisely because the unwitting dupes doing the dirty think they are doing it for X when in fact it is a controlled operation by Y against Z. There is no contradiction between the young Nigerian confessing and pleading guilty, and a false flag operation that whisked him through a European airport, got him on a plane for the US without a passport, got him admitted to the US without a passport (the alleged passport was produced 18 months later and is probably a forgery), and then filmed the whole thing with the man doing the filming never being brought forward. The rapid spread of Islam in the 700s brought the practice of mercantilism to Africa, Asia and parts of southern Europe. Its popularity has spread all over the world, and is now used in many medical facilities, such as hospitals and hospices. There are many phishing websites out there, and in fact, according to Google’s Transparency Report, phishing sites are now a far more common type of fraudulent activity on the web than malware sites. People are no more going to the banks and withdrawing money for buying items. That money is chump change in a false flag operation, and from all the publicity that has been generated, an excellent investment for the unethical clowns behind this-absent compelling proof to the contrary, this is Americans or Israelis against Americans, in my personal view, NOT the Iranian government against anyone.

All things being equal, absent compelling transparent proof to the contrary, this is a false flag fraud intended to set the stage for military action against Iran by Israel with US follow-up. This is very likely an initiative by one of the “Free Iran” elements that one of the persistent neoconservative penetrations of the USG agreed to support, and Justice is being “played” all too willingly since it helps distract from the many failures of both the Attorney General and the President. We simply should not believe Iran is behind this plot, and instead consider the possibility that everything the US Government has done “in our name” against Libya and many other southern hemisphere states has been far over the line and richly deserving of investigation, indictment, impeachment, and conviction at multiple levels from pilot to president. Fauci was all over the media with this message, all the time. A taxpayer’s transfer is fraudulent: (1) under BOC Section 24.006(a) if the taxpayer does not receive reasonably equivalent value in exchange and was insolvent at the time (or became insolvent as a result of the transfer); and (2) under BOC Section 24.005(a) if the transfer is made with actual intent to hinder, delay, or defraud a creditor.  Th is c onte nt has  been c᠎re​at ed ​by GSA C᠎on te᠎nt G enerat or ᠎DEMO!

Most states have adopted some version of either the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act (UFTA) or the older Uniform Fraudulent Conveyance Act (UFCA). If the drivetrain, transmission or other components covered under warranty give you trouble, you wouldn’t have to ante up fistfuls of cash to fix it. They ask you to buy software or sign up to a service to fix the computer. Antivirus software is an important defense against security breaches. Mobile tickets are harder to scalp than paper tickets, and extra security measures can be added to make fraud or theft nearly impossible. Bamboo harvesting and processing are often unregulated. We are required to have original signatures on completed consumer complaint forms; therefore, forms must be mailed or hand-delivered to the Office of the District Attorney for processing. You can find rental scams everywhere (Craigslist, Zillow, and more), and many people are duped every single day out of hundreds or sometimes thousands of dollars. Text messages asking people to activate a benefits debit card by clicking a link are scams. Scam messages typically ask for the reader to reply, call a phone number, click a link or open an attached file to steal personal information. If you feel you have been the victim of, or have information of, such misrepresentations or deceptive practices, please download a consumer complaint form (see download links below). This review can last from two to eight weeks, depending on the circumstances, and the information you are able to provide with your complaint. In India, a particularly gifted swindler is called a “Natwarlal” in honor of the legendary thief, who was also the inspiration behind the 1979 Bollywood thriller “Mr. Natwarlal.” He died either in 1996 or 2009, depending on whether you believe his brother or his lawyer. If you do not know an attorney, you can locate one by referring to the Yellow Pages of your telephone directory or by contacting the Lawyer Referral Service of the Orange County Bar Association.